Cannabis helps restore bee populations

MARIJUANA AND BEES ARE THE PERFECT COMBINATION – this is the conclusion of scientists who published their work in the journal Environmental Entomology.

Marijuana and bees? What is it about?

Marijuana and bees have a lot in common. These insects are one of the most important, hardworking and necessary insects in the world. As the most important pollinators, bees are the subject of research by many scientists who are trying to find a solution to the current phenomenon of reducing the population of these extremely valuable insects. It is said that their possible extinction is synonymous with the extinction of other animals or even people. Marijuana is supposed to help reverse this disturbing trend.

Marijuana and bees

Does marijuana affect bee populations? It turns out that marijuana and bees are a very beneficial combination for our planet as well as for the bees themselves.

The latest research aimed to find plants that bees eat and help protect them or even increase their population. The research was conducted in the United States. In the journal Environmental Entomology, it was published that bees have a special fondness for three plants - Oregon mallow, mountain pea and cannabis. The properties of marijuana, its rapid growth as well as the lack of need to spray these weeds lead to a corresponding increase in the amount of pollen. Cannabis is surprising once again, and very positively.

Bee observation

The study was conducted in the Plumas National Forest in California. It is an area full of diversity, with numerous sources of running water, where many bees live. Scientists observed bees during the summer months of 2015 and 2016. The researchers caught bees that were "penetrating" several species of plants in the area of ​​400 plots present in the local forest. The first group included 14 plants, from which the three best were selected.

Marijuana does not require spraying

As you know, bees help pollinate many plants that people use to produce nutritious food. Beekeepers in the United States have reported a significant decline of up to 44% in the number of their bee colonies. It turns out that marijuana can be a very good source of food for these priceless insects. Similar conclusions were reached by researchers from New York, who confirm the invaluable role of cannabis as a source of food for bees.

"As a plant pollinated only by wind, hemp lacks nectar, but produces copious amounts of pollen during times of scarcity of flowers in agricultural landscapes”, indicates a report published in Oxford University Press.


cannabis bee

Cannabis and bees can help each other.

It turns out that marijuana and bees can help each other while helping humanity. With their wisdom, animals show once again that man shows stupidity, to put it mildly, by banning hemp and banning its cultivation. No-spray cannabis can help these wonderful insects reverse the worrying decline in the number of bees in the world, because bumblebees (according to research) simply love it, as well as people, who unfortunately have limited or even banned access to it. Fortunately, awareness about cannabis is growing.

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