Supercropping, or why cannabis is stressed
Keeping cannabis plants in XNUMX% health does not always translate into obtaining the highest quality and quantitative yields when growing cannabis. When the goal is to obtain the largest and richest in cannabinoids hemp flowers, the best growers provide their charges with a dose of stress, which triggers regenerative processes and results in the strengthening of cultivated plants. In today's article, we will look at a popular exercise used in the process of growing marijuana - Supercropping. We invite you.
What is this supercropping?
Supercropping is one of the techniques of cannabis training that is used to increase the quantity and quality of the crop. It consists in gently breaking the main stem or side branches and usually using additional binding so that the plant grows together but does not rise to a complete vertical position. This creates a thickening at the point of union, which allows for greater uptake of nutrients and more efficient transport, leading to more inflated - larger and richer flowers (also in THC) above the fracture.
In addition, the plant subjected to this treatment produces other strengthening substances, especially in the stems, thanks to which it is more durable during growth. Skilful bending of broken stems also improves air flow, reducing the risk of diseases associated with increased humidity (e.g. mold). Supercropping is often used by experienced growers. This treatment belongs to the group of high stress methods (HST; High Stress Training), and its improper use can have the opposite effect - slow down or stop the development of the plant, and even lead to its death. At the beginning of the adventure, it is good to grow several specimens, including one experimental, on which the test will be made. The effects are surprising.
Is supercropping hard to do?
Supercropping is a relatively easy procedure, although it seems risky. It should be approached with caution and sensitivity. However, sometimes Supercropping is by chance. When an inadvertent breakage occurs, there is no reason to panic yet. With a little knowledge of cultivation, including the Supercropping technique, you can react appropriately and help the plant out of trouble.
On purpose, Supercropping is done in the advanced growth phase or at the beginning of flowering. If the plant grows naturally producing one main cola, supercropping can be done on the main stem. If the plant has been previously trained and has many tops, the branches protruding higher than the rest should be broken to ultimately lead to the formation of an even canopy. However, you should maintain a healthy moderation in the amount of broken stems to avoid undesirable reactions of the plant to stress.
How to properly perform Supercropping?
The correct performance of supercropping consists in damaging the internal tissue of the plant, without damaging the so-called. skin. Grasp the selected spot with your index finger and thumb, then squeeze with a sense and move back and forth for a few seconds until the inside becomes soft, which is easy to feel. The broken stem should be bent in the desired direction, with the aim of increasing light and air flow.
Ideally, the stem stays at a constant 90 degree angle - it should never hang straight down. If there is a crack on the outside of the stem, such a break should be secured. For protection purposes, tape for plants works great, which is stuck in the place of the bend like a plaster on a finger. Basically, things that can dig into the skin over time and restrict the flow of nutrients are avoided for this purpose. Adhesive tape will also work in difficult conditions. After a properly performed treatment, the plant will rise up after only a few days, and within a dozen or so days the place of the fracture will heal completely.

Supercropping canopy
If the goal is an even canopy, additional tie down (LST) will help. When harvesting, the results of using this method will definitely be visible in the form of larger and richer buds, as well as the unique shape of the plant.
Supercropping workout summary
Advances in the field of genetics are impressive and even a lot autoflowering variety responds well to supercropping. However, it is safer to carry out this training on full-season plants. On, in the product description of a specific variety you will find information about how it reacts to supercropping, if the producer himself mentions it. We invite you to explore the offer and shop in the store Ziarno Życia. Follow us on Facebook (click) and Instagram (click) to stay up to date.