New varieties of medical marijuana in Polish pharmacies

It has been known for a long time that the availability of medical marijuana in Polish pharmacies is at an extremely poor level. Drug deliveries are still not timely, and batches delivered to pharmacies are spreading so quickly that most patients have to hunt for products by going to pharmacies several dozen kilometers away from their place of residence. The problem with availability is one thing, but another limitation faced by medical marijuana patients in Poland is the small amount of the drug allowed on the Polish market. At the moment, there are only a few types of marijuana varieties with certain percentages of THC or CBD. By comparison, in Germany patients have access to over 50 varieties of medical marijuana.

marijuana in pharmacies

Availability of medical marijuana in Polish pharmacies

If you are treating with medical marijuana in Poland and you don't know the site yet www.gdziepolek.plbe sure to check it out! We also draw from this website verified information on the availability of medical marijuana in Polish pharmacies. Thanks to the work of website administrators and pharmacists, you can find out when to expect the next batch of the product in pharmacies, or what new product will become available to you in the near future.

varieties of medical marijuana in Polish pharmacies

Medical marijuana with a very high THC content

At the moment (01.04.2022), Polish pharmacies mainly offer varieties of medical marijuana with a very high content of psychoactive THC. These include the following drugs:

  • Cannabis Sativa L., Red No. 2 (Spectrum Cannabis) THC 19% (+/- 10%), CBD no more than 1%
  • Cannabis Flos THC 20% CBD 1% (Aurora) used, among others in drug-resistant epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain and alleviating the burdensome side effects of chemotherapy.
  • Cannabis Flos THC 22% CBD 1% (Aurora)  used as above
  • "Sativex" i.e. an oral spray with medical cannabis extracts. It is indicated, e.g. for the relief of moderate to severe spasticity in adult patients with multiple sclerosis who have not responded to standard therapy. THC content 27 mg/ml and CBD 25 mg/ml.

As you can see, the smallest percentage of tetrahydrocannabinol in most available drugs is around 19%. This is a very large amount, especially for people who do not tolerate the psychoactive effects of medical marijuana. Many patients need significantly less psychoactive medical cannabis flowers. Fortunately, such varieties have been available for about 2 weeks, and more products with a lower THC content are to be available in pharmacies any moment.

Cannabis extractum normatum THC 10% CBD<1% Vetos Farma

From the information from 24.03.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX available on the "gdziepolek" website we learn that:

"According to the information from the manufacturer, the first batch of raw material (Cannabis extractum normatum THC 10% CBD<1% Vetos Farma) is to be delivered to the Modumpharma warehouse in April this year. Already now, pharmacies can send requests for this product to the sales department of the Modumpharma warehouse.”

Cannabis extractum normatum THC 10% CBD<1% Vetos Farma is hemp extract (medical marijuana) with an advantage indica. This variety shows analgesic, antiemetic, anticonvulsant and antispasmodic effect. Prescription drugs with hemp extract are used in the treatment of neuropathic pain, in alleviating nausea and vomiting caused by certain drugs, in spastic states in the course of multiple sclerosis, in the treatment of epileptic seizures (epilepsy), as well as in the treatment of anxiety and depression.

Cannabis Flos THC 8% CBD 8% (Aurora)

Another variety that has been slowly appearing in pharmacies since March 16.03 is Cannabis Flos THC 8% CBD 8% (Aurora). At the moment, this variety can be found in only 8% of pharmacies in Poland. Apparently, this variety is to be permanently on sale. The only question is what does it mean permanently and, above all, in what quantities?

The new variety of Aurora 8/8, in addition to the indicated percentage of THC and CBD cannabinoids, is to be characterized by the content of dominant terpenes:

  • β– Myrcene with relaxing, analgesic and sedative properties. This terpene works against inflammation, insomnia, cramps and pain.
  • α-Pinene with a sedative, immunosuppressive and analgesic effect. Works best for: itching, insomnia, wound healing.

The balanced content of THC and CBD is supposed to bring relief to patients mainly in pain and inflammation.

new medical marijuana Aurora

New Aurora 8/8 medical marijuana

New varieties of medical marijuana with low THC content - soon in Polish pharmacies

We also found out that in April, products from Spectrum Therapeutics will be available in pharmacies. They are to be:

  • Cannabis flos, Canopy Growth THC 8%, CBD 7%, Hybrid - A hybrid with a lower THC and CBD content in the ratio of approx. 1:1;
  • Cannabis flos, Canopy Growth THC 20%, CBD ≤ 0,5%, Indica, which in its cannabinoid composition resembles the medical varieties already available in pharmacies.

 Drugs from the company Spectrum Therapeutics has already visited the shelves of Polish pharmacies, but the previous variety of Cannabis Flos THC 10%, CBD 7% (Canopy Growth) has been suspended. In June last year, there were shortages of goods at the manufacturer itself, which suspended deliveries. The question is what will happen with new varieties from the same company?


The fight for medical marijuana

Following the struggles of sick people, MM patients, unfortunately, we see their enormous effort, which they have to struggle with in the fight for health. And it's not about the problem of obtaining a prescription for medical marijuana, but unfortunately about the problem of buying a drug prescribed by a doctor. Certainly, the new law from the beginning of February, which is to enable the production of medical marijuana in Poland, will have a positive impact on the availability and price of MM. However, it is not known when this will actually happen. However, we are pleased that less psychoactive varieties have appeared in pharmacies. We are also glad that more and more people understand what hemp is, especially the so-called hemp. medical. Certainly, we still need a few years to fully realize the society, but the recent decisions, both in the world and in Poland, show that everything is going in the right direction!

On these socially beneficial decisions:

On January 27, 2022, the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski, removed from the list of narcotic substances of group IV-N herb and hemp resin other than fibrous. They have been added to the list of narcotic drugs in the IN group. IN group agents may only be used for medical, industrial or research purposes. The above changes apply from February 19.02.2022, XNUMX.

So far, we have had some inaccuracy, because according to the provisions of the Act, agents from group IV-N can only be used in animal medicine and for the purpose of conducting research, and at the same time there is an objection, which states that the same hemp herb other than fibrous can be a pharmaceutical raw material , admitted to trading in the territory of the Republic of Poland.

If you are just considering medical marijuana treatment go here!
Here you will find answers to the question:
-Can you treat yourself with medical marijuana in Poland?
-How do I get a prescription for medical marijuana?

And you will get a PLN 25 discount on your first visit to the hemp clinic!

CBD hemp oils in Poland are available without a prescription

CBD oil as a support for medical marijuana therapy

Many patients treated with medical marijuana, in consultation with the attending physician, also use CBD oils. You can read more about CBD oils in our previous posts!

Combining dried CBD with medical marijuana

As mentioned, Polish pharmacies have so far lacked medical marijuana with a lower content of psychoactive THC. One of the methods used by MM patients was to combine legal, non-prescription, dried hemp with CBD with dried cannabis (prescription medical marijuana). The combination of dried CBD with MM helps to neutralize the psychoactive effect. However, all such decisions should be made in consultation with the medical marijuana practitioner.

Check out selected CBD and CBG hemp droughts in our store!

Medical marijuana - news in pharmacies as of March 21.03.2023, XNUMX

Patients using medical marijuana in Poland are increasingly receiving information about new varieties that are to appear in pharmacies. Unfortunately, the situation with the availability of the drug has not changed dramatically compared to the previous year. There is still not enough medicine or deliveries are delayed. However, let's enjoy the positive changes!

Pink Kush, mango i Jack Herer in Polish pharmacies 

Thanks! Jack Herer i.e. the legendary variety of marijuana has already hit pharmacies in Poland. It will be another genetic next to it Pink Kushai Mango, which can be found by the name of the drug: Cannabis Flos THC 18% CBD ≤ 1%, this is a product from S-lab. How to find out which batch of drought you have received? The serial number on the package should indicate the letters PK (Pink Kush), MG (Mango) and we suspect that JH will be Jack Herer ;)

In our seed bank we have collectible marijuana seeds for both Jack Herer or Pink Kush. However, it should be noted that depending on the manufacturer of this particular genetic, the properties differ. In addition, as of today, cultivation for personal use is illegal in Poland, which is why our seeds can only be sown by residents of countries whose law allows it. Another thing is the fact that the drug available in the pharmacy undergoes many detailed tests that allow it to be released into circulation.

Drought Jack Herer at the pharmacy

Pharmaceutical Jack Herer It is said to have a predominance of the Sativa genotype, and the following content of known terpenes:
about 30% myrcene
approx. 30% alpha and beta pinene
about 16% nerodiol
about 12% caryophyllene

Terpenes affect the smell, taste and effect of the herb. Jack Herer it has a pine, lemon and butter scent. These terpenes mainly have anti-inflammatory and sedative effects. Drought Jack Herer it is also supposed to have an energizing and stimulating effect. This variety is recommended patients with depression, mood disorders, chronic pain, and migraine pain.

Master Kush new medical marijuana in Polish pharmacies

Another genetics of medical marijuana goes to Polish pharmacies! However, the strange thing is that it will be sold under the exact same drug name from S-lab to Jack Herer, mangoes or Pink Kush. Especially that the effect and use of this variety is to be different than those mentioned above.
Master Kush is genetics suitable for patients suffering from insomnia or constant stress. Master Kush from S-lab is supposed to have a relaxing and calming effect, moreover, it is supposed to soothe pain and inflammation. This genetics improves well-being, causing states of happiness and euphoria.

Terpenes in medical marijuana Master Kush from S-lab:

  • caryophyllene  – has, among others, analgesic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, and can also be a therapy in the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases.
  • nerolidol – has sedative, anxiolytic, antiparasitic, antibacterial, antioxidant and analgesic properties.
  • bisabolol – Offers anti-inflammatory properties and is often used in skin care products and cosmetics. Herbal teas and cosmetics that have bisabolol are said to have relaxing effects, and cannabis strains with significant levels of bisabolol will also provide relaxing effects.
  • limonene  – improves mood and reduces tension caused by stress. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties. It soothes the symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn.

Cannabis Flos THC 18% CBD ≤ 1% from S-lab

The preparation causes psychoactive effects, for which a large amount of THC is responsible. This drug may be used in the treatment of pain associated with cancer, MS or polyneuropathy. The preferred route of administration is inhalation of vapors heated by a vaporizer. Drought is intended as a supportive treatment when standard methods do not bring the expected results. The most important ingredients of the drug are, of course, cannabinoids, in this case – THC and CBD

  • THC corresponds, among others, to for analgesic and antispasmodic effects, inhibits chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, increases appetite,
  • CBD works e.g. analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant, antiemetic and antipsychotic (reduces the psychoactive effect of THC).

They occur in the form of precursors (inactive forms) that undergo the process decarboxylation (e.g. when heated), they activate and affect the endocannabinoid system (a system ubiquitous in all vertebrates, responsible, among others, for the development of nerve cells, digestion, pain sensation, sleep regulation), which is observed as a therapeutic effect of these substances .

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